May 15, 2008

Framing stage - Part 2 (1st Floor)

By this stage, the 1st floor framing is up as well as the roof trusses and the windows have been installed. For the windows, we decided to go with black frames to give a contrast the final finished colour of the house.

Apr 30, 2008

Framing stage - Part 1

The following pics are of the ground floor, taken 3 weeks ago. This was before we had 12 days of straight rain and when our slab was nice and dry!

Apr 25, 2008

Photo time..

To continue from my last post, I have been periodically taking photos of the development. So in light of that, I plan on uploading some over the course of the next few days to show you the progress made since my last post...ok, i mean my second last post :p

2 months have flown by!!!

Hi everyone,

Well in my last post I indicated that i'll be regularly updating the blog. Evidently that didn't happen! That's not to say that we haven't made amazing progress in the house stakes. Over the last 2 months, we have gotten to the stage where the roof framing is now in and we're nearly ready for the bricking to occur.

The only gripe I have with anyone over these 2 months is that with mother nature! 12 days, i repeat 12 days of continuous rain! A new record for Sydney! If not for the rain, I reckon we'd be up to the brick stage already.

In this regard, I give kudos to Clarendon and the chippies for coming in between rain periods and getting the job done.

To summarise, so far so good!

Feb 28, 2008

I'm Back!

Too bad i don't have anything good to report. Our block was pegged a couple of weeks ago. Since then, its continually rained in short bursts which hamper any excavating opportunities as that requires consecutive days of sunshine!

Jan 17, 2008

News Update

Well its almost a week now since Clarendon came back up to full speed and unfortunately there really hasn't been much progress made. Still waiting for our Construction Certificate.

Here's to hoping next week will be much better...

Jan 11, 2008

Roof tile and colour selection

I was going to put up our roof tile and outside paint selections but unfortunately my scanner has chosen to die on me.

Sorry! I'll put it up ASAP (pending the resuscitation process)