Jan 11, 2008

Questions and Observations for 2008

First the Questions:

This is specifically related to Clarendon but it may apply to you as well. The question is will I have access to the construction site during the building process? The reason I ask this is because through my powers of deduction (ok, more like looking at other peoples blogs) that clients/bloggers of other companies have taken photos of their houses during the construction process yet a neighbor of mine who is building with another company to the best of my knowledge, wasnt allowed anywhere near the site until it was finished. Therefore he monitored the building process from outside the fenced off area. Matt on the other hand (who is building with Carlisle Homes) has done a bang up job of documenting everything....see!

I hope Clarendon allows the latter to occur. Time will tell I suppose.

Now for the Observations:

Observation No.1: I'm curious to see how the building of our new home will go if La Nino which already had a bit of impact in November and December last year continues its course throughout 2008. I know I know! We need the rain! But what about my house!?! (...contemplates this conflicting issue...)

Observation No.2: I'm not sure about you, but I read something in the paper just recently that had 'construction union', 'more pay' and 'strike' in the same sentence! I am hoping that by 'contruction union' they mean people that build skycrapers. 'More pay' translates into scrapping work choices and 'strike' means they had a perfect game in tenpin bowling!

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